Open to all serving members of the MPS who are Greek or Cypriot by birth, or have a parent or partner who is Greek or Cypriot. They are afforded voting rights and receive all benefits the Association offers.
Open to all serving members of the MPS and Greek or Cypriot members of other UK police forces. They are not afforded voting rights but do receive all benefits the Association offers.
Offered to businesses and organisations that choose to sponsor the MPS GCA. These must be agreed by the Committee and confirmed via contracts. They are not afforded voting rights but do receive benefits at the discretion of the Committee.
Awarded by the Committee to a Member who, during their time within the MPS, demonstrated a high level of commitment to the Association. To qualify, the individual must have been a Full Member of the Association at the time of departing the MPS. They are afforded voting rights and receive all benefits the Association offers.
Open to anybody who was previously an employee of the MPS and, whilst an employee, was also a Member of the MPS GCA. They are afforded voting rights and receive all benefits the Association offers.
Open to anybody belonging to the Met Volunteer Programme, Volunteer Police Cadets or any Agency Staff (of any contract length) with the MPS. Where there is any ambiguity, discretion will be afforded to the Committee to decide. They are not afforded voting rights but do receive all benefits the Association offers.
Open to Greeks or Cypriots looking to join the MPS with the support of the MPS GCA. They are eligible to remain as members for free for a maximum of twelve months or until they start employment with the MPS, whichever comes first. They are not afforded voting rights and do not receive benefits the Association offers.
Membership Application Form
Please click here to be taken to the form (Will not work in Internet Explorer)
Membership Benefits