The story so far
In 1999, The Metropolitan Police Service Greek Staff Association was established by Peter Savvas and Christos Mikellides. Peter Savvas joined the Metropolitan Police Service in 1980. Christos Mikellides joined the Metropolitan Police in 1968; Christos was the second Greek Cypriot to join and Peter the eighth.
In 2000, we gave assistance to Police in Greece in regards to the assignation of Brigadier Saunders. We helped with many things including the language barrier faced when investigating.
In 2012, we intercepted two imposters claiming to be Close Protection Officers for the Cypriot Presidents visit to the Cyprus Wine & Business Exhibition. We also released our new modernised logo along with our first ever range of merchandise.
In January 2013, Assistant Secretary Costas Ioannou, attended the Camden Cypriot Women’s Organisation as a local Greek speaking Police Community Support Officer. This enabled Crime Prevention Advice to be offered to around 40 elderly Greek and Cypriot women from the Camden Borough in London.
In May 2013, we supported the Policing Operations for the Turkish Airlines Euro League. This is the highest level tier and most important professional club basketball competition in Europe. The final four teams competing in London at the O2 Arena.
In April 2014 we supported a number of Churches and their Communities across London, during the Holy Week of the Greek Orthodox Easter. This is something we try to assist with each year.
Also in 2014 – Police Beat, the MPS GSA radio programme on London Greek Radio (LGR) is well on the way to becoming a huge success. The monthly show which has been developed, designed and now delivered by members of the MPS GSA in conjunction with LGR and the MPS is proving extremely popular.
In April 2015 we celebrated our 15th anniversary by holding its Annual General Meeting at the Cyprus High Commission in London. In attendance to show their support and address the audience were the MPS Commissioner, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, our host His Excellency Euripides Evriviades and a number of other guest speakers.
In June 2015 we were approached by the Directorate of Media & Communications (DMC) of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to assist with the features of the new recruitment campaign.
In July 2015, the Metropolitan Police Service Greek Staff Association (MPS GSA) celebrated its community event, The Summer BBQ 2015. The event which took place at Millhillians Totteridge Cricket Club.
In August 2015 over 500 people took part in a celebration of diversity at The SSE Arena, Wembley arranged by police in Brent. The exclusive event brought together the borough’s diverse communities and was organised by the Met’s Greek Staff Association in partnership with the Community Ambassadors’ Programme.
On the 10th November 2015 the Association was officially renamed as the Metropolitan Police Service Greek & Cypriot Association (MPS GCA). Following concerns raised by members who did not feel represented by the original name, consideration was given to a possible change. Discussions were held amongst the committee who agreed that this important issue should.

In December 2015, members of the MPS GCA attended the Cypriot Community Centre (CCC) in Wood Green to assist in the serving of Christmas Dinner to elderly and disabled members of the community.
In April 2016, the MPS GCA formally augmented its ties with the Brotherhood Cypriot Community Centre, 2 Britannia Road, London, N12 9RU. This became our head office.
In July 2016, we celebrated another Summer BBQ in Totteridge. Guests included representatives from our sponsors Travelmania and NEPOMAK UK.
In 2017 we worked closely with their partners at the High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in London to confirm details of Military Service Exemption. For several years, young British citizens of Cypriot descent have faced uncertainty during their travels to the Mediterranean island, believing an exit visa was required to return home.
In 2018 we introduced MPSGCA Membership cards. Working non-stop throughout the past year the committee had been setting the necessary foundations to enable the association to meet its objectives over the next 5 years.
On Friday 6th April 2018 we successfully supported the Greek Orthodox Church of St Constantine & Helen to complete the procession of the Epitaphio for the third year running. Before then, the church had not been able to do so for three decades.
In February 2020 we held our first Orthodox Easter Event at New Scotland Yard. With many guests and guest speakers present the event was deemed successful. This is now an annual event for us. It brings together 3 staff support associations to work on the event.
In May 2020 the association held its first ever remote AGM through Microsoft Teams. In the associations 21 year history, all AGMs had been held in person until this day. The meeting was held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In April 2021 the Orthodox Faith Group was formed and lead on by our Chair, Tom Hadi-Savva.
In June 2021 we based ourselves to a new location – the Cypriot Community Centre N22, where we hold monthly meetings.
In July 2021 a new website was created and launched by Assistant Secretary Zaf. Multi-platform Social Media pages were also modernised and refreshed.
In July 2023 we held our biggest and most successful Event to date – the Summer Family Fun Day. There was over 400 members of the Community in attendance. There was a number of activates taking place such as our Tavli Competition, raffles, music, dancing and great BBQ food!
In April 2024 we held our 25th Year Anniversary. The event was attended by many guests and members of the association. It was held at the Cyprus High Commission in London and had guest speaker Mr Odysseas Odysseos, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cyprus, in attendance.